Older posts of interest that do not fit into any project category but have been cited elsewhere or still attract large amounts of traffic.
Debunking Professor Winston
Professor Winston's made numerous errors and wild claims when appearing on BBC Radio 4’s “Today” programme
Companies House and Charities Commission advice on former names
Advice from Companies House and Charities Commission is that former names need not be disclosed on forms
Varnish with STunnel (On the same box)
From The Archives: TranphobiaAtPride
Trans folk and marriage without a Gender Recognition Certificate
Political Careers of NUS Presidents, 1969-present
Labour’s plan for Tea and Coffee prohibition
The Guardian’s continued attempt at torpedoing Trans healthcare laid bare
Thinking Allowed on Transgender issues…
Latest Transgender/Sensitive CRB check process
ZNC Private Message logging module
The apostrophe must die
GEO Transgender Workshop, part 2
GEO Transgender Workshop, part 1: Chatham House Rule
The “Toiletgate” meeting last night
Doing one's bit